What to do in the area ?
Our village, les Telliers, is 2kms away from Sol Roc, an extraordinary place to go fishing by foot.From the top of the cliff (“the most beautiful Km in France according to Eisenhower), you’ll have an amazing view of the Bay, the Mont Saint Michel and the rock of Tombelaine.
If you pay attention and the weather is clear (yes, it sometimes is!!!), it is possible to see the cast of Brittany, the Mont Dole and the Pointe of Cancale.
Nearby: a bar-tobacconist-grocery store, tennis court.
- From Carolles, along the cliff, off the road, hikers can reach the Cabane Vauban, view Bird-watching sites, and follow the old ”Chemin des Douaniers” until the Valley of the Lude, the beach of the Valley of the Painters.
- Bec d’Andaine : 8 km, meeting point for guided walking tours across the Bay. Not to be missed.